Personas Experience and how to build it in the Martech Era with AI – Artificial Intelligence

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In marketing, it is strategic to understand the reasons behind the product choices of customers and their expectations in order to effectively target offers to them. By understanding why our products are considered and purchased, we establish a solid groundwork for designing and implementing marketing and communication strategies.

Our customer base is not limited to a single type, and it is crucial to comprehend the diverse and expanding range of audiences we interact with.

Moreover, as the volume of information grows, so too does the complexity of analysing the data and the challenges of translating it into actionable measures.

One thing is sure: every customer, regardless of their demographic, desires one common thing:


How can we guarantee that our offerings align with customer feedback in the market?

Until recently, the concept of PERSONAS was based on attitudinal and structured data gathered through in-depth surveys. To construct them, customers were asked questions such as: “WHY DID YOU CHOOSE US? WHAT ARE YOUR EXPECTATIONS?”

Is this still sufficient today, or do we need a deeper understanding of the entire emotional experience that shapes a customer’s buying journey? What was your buying experience like, and how would you rate it? What kind of offerings would you like from us in the future?


To add value, the factors influencing the buying choice and process should be supplemented with insights into the desired and lived experiences of customers. This information can now be integrated into the CRM, where it can be combined with data generated by the digital customer journey and customer experience.

As a result, Artificial Intelligence Algorithms serve as valuable tools for creating Audiences. In fact, a strong machine learning system can help identify the factors that influence buying decisions and enable predictive analysis.

However, the entire process must generate structured information rather than merely feeding the MarTech platforms.


In the era of AI… significant attention should be directed towards developing AI Algorithms. If these algorithms are built on flawed assumptions and a static, one-dimensional view of the market, they may contain biases and generate information that distorts the preferences and real experiences of customers. Consequently, audiences created under such circumstances may not align with the actual desires and experiences of customers.

Constructing audiences without the support of “The True Voice of the Customer” risks becoming a mere stylistic exercise that leads to self-fulfilling prophecies.”


Audience segmentation today can be accomplished by harnessing data gathered from the digital customer journey. The channels used and the paths followed on the Website, E-shop and social media platforms assist in defining Audiences and creating targeted sales campaigns.

When digital Audiences are identified with the contribution of qualitative data from INSTANT SURVEYS conducted throughout the digital journey, there is a significant increase in conversion, up-selling and cross-selling rates.

In the era of Customer Experience, AI-driven Personas play a crucial role in achieving meaningful personalisation and creating an integrated ecosystem of experiences that seamlessly blend the physical and digital realms.

While AI is undoubtedly helpful in developing a great Personas Experience, it’s important to keep in mind that it may not be enough on its own!

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